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Building the Case for Greater Investment in Health

Did you know that only 7% of the investments made within the $715 billion global impact investing market go toward health? Learn how Johnson & Johnson Impact Ventures is leading the way on smart investments in inclusive innovation at the front lines of care to help improve the lives of billions of people around the world.
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If there’s one notion that has become even more clear over the past 20 months, it’s that good health can’t wait, and during this time of uncertainty, we’ve never been surer of the need for further innovation in healthcare.

At Johnson & Johnson, we leverage Our Credo as our guide, helping us serve all our stakeholders, including the parents and families who depend on our lifesaving medicines and the communities hardest hit during times of crisis. It’s these values that led to the expansion of Johnson & Johnson Impact Ventures (J&J Impact Ventures), which is putting $50 million from the Johnson & Johnson Foundation toward supporting entrepreneurs who are focused on making an impact in healthcare around the world, aligning with our missions of both supporting frontline health workers and driving greater health equity around the world.