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Funder of Funds: Impact Ventures June 2024 Newsletter

Message from Dana Deardorff
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Investing in other impact funds, alongside our direct investments in companies focused on health equity, is a key component of our broader strategy at Impact Ventures by J&J Foundation. HealthQuad, Cross-Border Impact Ventures and Verge HealthTech are three healthcare-focused impact venture funds we’ve invested in to expand our portfolio and reach more underserved patient populations around the world.

  • HealthQuad released its FY23 Societal Impact Report, highlighting the transformative work in India centered around the four pillars of affordability, accessibility, quality and awareness of healthcare. Their portfolio companies have now impacted more than 60 million lives, many in rural and marginalized communities.
  • Earlier this year, Cross-Border raised over $90 million to close its inaugural fund dedicated to women’s and children’s health. Although still early in the fund’s lifecycle, they recently announced Samsung Medison’s acquisition of their portfolio company Sonio, using AI-enabled software for fetal ultrasound to improve maternal and newborn health.
  • Our most recent fund investment was in Verge, focused on earlier-stage healthtech companies. After just launching their second fund, they have already made investments in five exciting new technology companies with the potential to bring quality healthcare to those who need it most.

We are excited to see this momentum from our fund partners and look forward to sharing additional updates in the future as their portfolio companies continue to grow and deliver more impact.

Dana Deardorff
Global Director, Impact Ventures

MORE: Explore the recently launched J&J 2023 Health for Humanity report which reflects the Company’s progress in driving the next wave of medical innovation, while championing global health equity, empowering employees and advancing environmental health.

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